Pick Order/Pick Overview
Access to this feature may only be available with the ‘Complete’ edition. Ask your Wasp representative for details.
Pick Order Workflow
Possible Pick Order Status
Pick Order Workflow
Pick Orders are orders that you create when inventory is requested by a customer and needs to be taken (picked) from your warehouse, store, storage facility, etc., and shipped to the customer. InventoryCloud allows you to create a pick order that can then be automatically emailed to the warehouse and/or printed for reference. Also, refer to Ordering Settings to turn on or off the pick order-related settings.
The basic flow of pick orders is:
- Your business receives a request for inventory (through an invoice, a sales slip, etc.).
- A pick order for the requested merchandise is entered on the New Pick Order screen. You can enter any item in any quantity on this screen. Actual on-hand amounts are not checked at this point. You can choose to e-mail the order and/or print the order. These two actions occur when you click the Save button.
- A newly created Pick Order will have the status "New". The status remains "New" until pick quantities are entered on the Picking Order screen. If the order becomes overdue before it is picked, the status changes to New - Overdue.
- For detailed information on creating pick orders, please see the New Pick Orders topic.
- The Pick Order now appears on your Pick Order List (Pick Order > View Pick Orders). From the Pick Order List, you can Edit or Delete (as long as the order is not in process) the order as needed. For an example of the Pick Order List, please refer to the View Pick Order topic.
- When the order is actually being picked, i.e., the inventory is being readied for shipping to the customer, and the picked quantities for each item on that order are entered in the Pick screen (Pick Order > Pick). This can be done on a PC or mobile device. At this time, the quantities are checked, and you cannot pick more than you actually have in inventory.
- For detailed information on picking orders on the PC, please refer to Pick. Orders can also be picked from Android and iOS devices.
- Pick orders with some items picked will have a status of In Process. If the order becomes overdue, it will have a status of In Process - Overdue. Please refer to the Pick topic for detailed information on the Pick screen.
- After the order is fully picked, it has a status of Completed. You can have InventoryCloud automatically email the packing slip to the customer.
Possible Pick Order Status
- Draft - Ok - The pick order has a status of Draft if Save as Draft is selected on the New Pick Order screen. The pick order can be accessed and modified as needed when in Draft status.
- Open - Pick Order Issued - The pick order has this status when Save, Send & Issue is selected on the New Pick Order screen or on the Edit Pick Order screen. Only addresses can be edited on pick orders with this status. Orders with this status can be canceled.
- In Progress - Pick Order Picked Short - This status occurs when Save is selected on the Pick screen, but only part of the inventory for the order has been picked. Orders with this status can be accessed, additional items can be picked, and addresses can be edited.
- In Progress - Pick Complete - This status occurs when Save is selected on the Pick screen and all inventory for the order has been picked. Orders with this status can be modified.
- In Progress - Process Complete Overage - This status occurs when the pick order is saved and not closed with a Picked quantity greater than the Requested quantity.
- In Progress - Pick order issued - This status appears when a new pick order is created on the web, and the "Pick" happens on the mobile where the user picks the quantity and then on the summary screen, Unpick the full quantity picked. The status changes from Open - Pick Order Issued to In Progress - Pick order issued. Note that the transaction screen (on the web) will display two transactions - Pick and Add (Add transaction is shown because of the unpick done on the mobile).

- Closed - PO Closed Complete - This status occurs when Save and Close is selected on the Pick screen on a pick order with the current status of In Progress - Pick Complete. Orders with this status cannot be modified.
- Closed - Pick Complete - This status occurs when Save and Close is selected on the Pick screen on a pick order with the current status Open - Pick Order Issued. Orders with this status cannot be modified.
- Closed - General Cancel - This status occurs when Cancel Order is selected on the Edit Pick Order screen on a pick order with the current status of Open - Pick Order Issued.
- Closed - Customer Cancel - This status occurs when Customer Cancel is selected on the Edit Pick Order screen on a pick order with the current status of Open - Pick Order Issued.
- Closed - Pick Order Picked Short - This status occurs when Save and Close is selected on the Pick screen, but only part of the inventory for the order has been picked. Orders with this status cannot be modified.
- Closed - PO Closed Short - This status occurs when Close and Create Backorder is selected on the Pick screen, but only part of the inventory for the order has been picked.
- Closed - Closed with Discrepancies - This status occurs when the pick order is saved and closed with a Picked quantity greater than the Requested quantity.