Tracking Details
The Tacking Details screen allows you to add Serial Number, Lot, and/or Date Code along with the quantity details. The tracking for an item is enabled while adding an inventory or an assembly. Refer to Add Inventory and New Assembly.
Whenever you select an item that has tracking enabled, the Tracking Details button will appear below the Quantity field or in the Queue.
- The Quantity must be greater than zero.
- Serial Number, Lot, and Date Code
- The Lot and Date Code can be copy-pasted in any order in the Tracking Details screen.
- The Tracking Details queue will display the values of trackby entries once all the values in the following fields - Quantity, Lot, Date Code, and/or Serial Number are filled, irrespective of the order in which it is filled.
- If the Date Code and Lot are filled and pinned, then for transactions dealing with quantities you already have, you can select the Serial Number one by one from the drop-down, and on selection, the values will move to the tracking details queue. For Additive transactions, you can scan in new Serial numbers, and the values will move to the tracking details queue.
- The cursor will be on the Serial number field while scanning if the Lot and Date Code are filled and pinned.
- In the Transaction screens (Remove, Adjust, Check-Out, Check-In, and Move), Build and Pick screen.
- On scanning a Serial Number, the Lot and Date Code auto-populate, and the values move to the Tracking Details queue without clicking on Add button.
- Similarly, if there is only Lot, Date Code, and quantity, enter the values and use the Add button to move the values to the bottom grid.
- On the Add, Receive, and Build Assembly produced item transaction screen, if the Serial Number is auto-generated, the Serial Number is optional. You can add a value for the Serial Number or leave it empty / ‘Auto Generated’; enter the values for the Lot and Date Code and use the Add button to move the values to the bottom grid. Whereas in the Receive transaction, since the item is added/received, all the trackby values need to be entered and moved to the queue using the Add button.
- Remove Transaction
- If you want to update one of the Serial Numbers of Inventory Items, the other Serial Number will not get removed from the queue. Also, the already updated tracking details for other items in the queue will not be removed from the queue.
- If the “Only On Invoicing” checkbox is selected while creating a New Inventory Item, then during Transactions like Add, CheckOut, CheckIn, Move, Adjust, Audit - the tracking details will not show the Serial Number field. Whereas the Remove, Pick transaction will show the Serial Number as well as when such items are consumed during a build.
- In Auto Build and Build, you can enter the quantity details in the Tracking Details screen even if the Serial Number is auto-generated (or automatically assigned).
- Audit - New TrackBy button - Allow you to add items and their tracking details that are not on the audit list.
- If the item is tracked by Lot and/or Date Code. Then there is no restriction on the quantity. You can enter a quantity of more than 1.
- The Tracking Details screen does not support scanning in more than 6000 Serial Numbers at a time.
New Inventory Item & New Assembly Item
The Inventory item and an Assembly can be tracked by Serial Number, Lot, and Date. Additionally, you can also track by Reference Number, Vendor Number, and Customer. The Serial Number can be tracked "Only on Invoicing," and also the Serial Number can be auto-generated using the Auto Generate Serial Number option.
Note: If the “Only On Invoicing” checkbox is selected while creating a New Inventory Item, then during Transactions like Add, CheckOut, CheckIn, Move, and Adjust - the tracking details will not show the Serial Number field. Whereas the Remove, Pick transaction will show the Serial Number as well as when such items are consumed during a build.
The Tracking Details button will appear during transactions like - Add, Remove, Check-out, Check-in, Move, Build, Receive, Pick, and Audit.

New Kit - Only Customer Tracking

Add Transaction
- Consider that the inventory item is tracked by Serial Number, Lot, Date, and the additional required trackby fields - Reference number and Vendor number. During the Add transaction, on selecting the item, the Tracking Details button will appear. Also, the Reference number and Vendor number fields will be the required fields.
- Enter all the required details.

- Click on the Tracking Details button. Enter the Serial Number, Lot, Date Code. Click on the Add button.
- If the “Only On Invoicing” checkbox is selected while creating a New Inventory Item, then during Add transactions, the tracking details will not show the Serial Number field.
- Since the Inventory Item is tracked by the Serial Number, the quantity will be always one. You can enter the Serial Number of each item one by one.

- The Serial Number can be entered by locking the Lot and the Date Code fields if required. In this case, the values will automatically move to the queue on entering the Serial Number.
- For Additive transactions, you can also scan in new Serial numbers, and the values will move to the tracking details queue. The cursor will be on the Serial number field while scanning if the Lot and Date Code are filled and pinned.

- If the Serial Number is auto-generated, the Serial Number is optional. You can add a value for the Serial Number or leave it empty / ‘Auto Generated’; enter the values for the Lot and Date Code and use the Add button to move the values to the bottom grid.

- If the inventory item is tracked by Lot and Date Code, then enter the values and click on the Add button to move the tracking details to the queue. The Quantity can be more than 1.

- The entered quantity is "N," and in the tracking details screen, you add tracking details for the "N+1" quantity, the quantity column in the item details section will automatically get updated to "N+1".
Example - The Quantity entered was 3. Tracking is done for 4 items.

The Quantity gets updated to 4.

Check-In, Check-Out, Adjust, and Move Transaction
- In the case of Check-Out, Check-In, and Move transactions, you can select either copy-paste the Serial Number, Lot, and Date Code or use the down arrow to select the values.
- The Lot and Date Code can be copy-pasted in any order in the Tracking Details screen.
- If you are scanning the Serial Number, the Lot and Date Code auto-populate, and the values move to the Tracking Details queue without clicking on Add button. Similarly, if there is only Lot, Date Code, and quantity, enter the values and use the Add button to move the values to the bottom grid.
- If the “Only On Invoicing” checkbox is selected while creating a New Inventory Item, then during Transactions like Check-Out, Check-In, Move, Adjust - the tracking details will not show the Serial Number field.
- If the Date Code and Lot are filled and pinned, then for transactions dealing with quantities you already have you can select the Serial Number one by one from the drop-down, and on selection, the values will move to the tracking details queue.

Remove Transaction
- In the case of Remove transaction, you can select either copy-paste the Serial Number, Lot and Date Code or use the down arrow to select the values. The Lot and Date Code can be copy-pasted in any order in the Tracking Details screen.
- If you are scanning the Serial Number, the Lot and Date Code auto-populate, and the values move to the Tracking Details queue without clicking on Add button. Similarly, if there is only Lot, Date Code, and quantity, enter the values and use the Add button to move the values to the bottom grid.
- If the Date Code and Lot are filled and pinned, then for transactions dealing with quantities you already have you can select the Serial Number one by one from the drop-down and on selection, the values will move to the tracking details queue.
- If you want to update one of the Serial Numbers of Inventory Items, the other Serial Number will not get removed from the queue. Also, the already updated tracking details for other items in the queue will not be removed from the queue.
- If the “Only On Invoicing” checkbox is selected while creating a New Inventory Item, the Remove transaction will show the Serial Number as well as when such items are consumed during a build.
- If the selected assembly is tracked by the Serial Number, Lot, and Date Code, then the Tracking Details button will appear on the Assembly tab. Also, the Tracking Details button will appear on the pick item screen if the item has trackbys.
- If you are scanning the Serial Number, the Lot and Date Code auto-populate, and the values move to the Tracking Details queue without clicking on Add button. Similarly, if there is only Lot, Date Code, and quantity, enter the values and use the Add button to move the values to the bottom grid.
- In Build, you can enter the quantity details in the Tracking Details screen even if the Serial Number is auto-generated (or automatically assigned).

- Build - Pick Item - Select the Serial Number, Lot, and Date Code. The Lot and Date Code can be copy-pasted in any order in the Tracking Details screen. if the Date Code and Lot are filled and pinned, then for transactions dealing with quantities you already have, you can select the Serial Number one by one from the drop-down and on selection, the values will move to the tracking details queue.

In AutoBuild, you can enter the quantity details in the Tracking Details screen even if the Serial Number is auto-generated (or automatically assigned).

Receive Order
- The Tracking Details button will appear on the Receive Item screen.
- Input all the tracking details. Since the item is added/received - all the trackby values need to be entered and moved to the queue using the Add button.
- Enter the Serial Number, Lot and/or Date Code. Click on the Add button.
- If the Serial Number is auto-generated, then enter the Lot and Date Code and click on the Add button.

- The Tracking Details button will appear on the Pick Item screen.
- The Lot and Date Code can be copy-pasted in any order in the Tracking Details screen.
- You can select either copy-paste or use the down arrow in the keyboard button to select the Serial Number, Lot and Date Code.
- Enter the Serial Number, Lot and/or Date Code. Click on the Add button.
- If the Serial Number is auto-generated, then enter the Lot and Date Code and click on the Add button.
- If you are scanning the Serial Number, the Lot and Date Code auto-populate, and the values move to the Tracking Details queue without clicking on Add button. Similarly, if there is only Lot, Date Code, and quantity, enter the values and use the Add button to move the values to the bottom grid.
- If the Date Code and Lot are filled and pinned, then for transaction dealing with quantities you already have you can select the Serial Number one by one from the drop-down and on selection, the values will move to the tracking details queue.

While Auditing, the New TrackBy button will appear for the items that have tracking enabled.

Enter the Serial Number, Lot and/or Date Code. Click on the Add button.

If the “Only On Invoicing” checkbox is selected while creating a New Inventory Item, the Audit will not show the Serial Number.

The Audit is primarily for dealing with inventory currently in stock, Trackbys in Audit would behave a little differently than Add transactions. Auto-generated serial numbers are not supported on Audit, for example, all Serial numbers must be specified when adding quantity. Also, when quantities of items tracked by ‘Serial number on removal’ end up missing, there is no need for the user to enter the serial number when adjusting/auditing down.